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Suport juridic Asociatii de Proprietari
Suport juridic Asociatii de Proprietari This is a text box. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph and let your visitors know more about you and your services. Your Title Here This is a text box. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph. Your Title Here This is a text box. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph.
Suport juridic Asociatii de Proprietari si comitet
Suport juridic Asociatii de ProprietariRolul juriștilor noștri este de a “interpreta “legea in favoarea asociației dv. Atribuțiile președintelui si ale Comitetului executive conform legii 196/2018 sunt foarte multe. Juriștii noștri va sprijină in toate demersurile pe care doriți sa le efectuați. Consiliere juridică presedinte bloc Oferim consiliere juridică prin redactarea de opinii juridice scrise privind orice aspecte ce se circumscriu scopului si obiectivelor asociației de proprietari. – Recuperare cote de întreținere Serviciile noastre in material recuperării cotelor de întreținere sunt principala noastră preocupare date fiind statisticile privind restantele proprietarilor la asociația de proprietari. –Recuperare fonduri speciale Fond de rulment si fond de reparație, constituite de către asociația de proprietari pot fi recuperate împreună sau separat cu recuperarea cotelor de întreținere. –Recuperare penalități / dobânzi Fie că există un sistem propriu de penalizări prestabilit de asociație, fie că nu există și devin incidente dispozițiile legale, pentru orice sumă scadentă neachitată vă obținem aceste daune. – Înscriere privilegiul asociației Pentru realizarea creanței cu titlul de contribuție la cheltuielile asociației de proprietari, vă înscriem in Cartea Funciara privilegiul cu titlu de garanție reală imobiliară. Înființare asociații de proprietari. Ofertă completă de servicii privind procedura legală de înființare și funcționare a asociației de proprietari in conformitate cu dispozițiile legale.
Example Post 03
YOUR TITLE HERE This is a text box. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph and let your visitors know more about you and your services. Here is a good space to put your long content.You can explain something about your company and products. Feel free to use this space to tell about your services. Make your users know who you are and your story. Tell about your idea and what are your strengths that make you outstanding from your opponents, go into more detail about your company, how your product will make your customer’s life better. You can easily edit this text box by go to tab content and click edit section.
Example Post 02
YOUR TITLE HERE This is a text box. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph and let your visitors know more about you and your services. Here is a good space to put your long content.You can explain something about your company and products. Feel free to use this space to tell about your services. Make your users know who you are and your story. Tell about your idea and what are your strengths that make you outstanding from your opponents, go into more detail about your company, how your product will make your customer’s life better. You can easily edit this text box by go to tab content and click edit section.
Example Post 01
YOUR TITLE HERE This is a text box. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph. Write your own content here. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph and let your visitors know more about you and your services. Here is a good space to put your long content.You can explain something about your company and products. Feel free to use this space to tell about your services. Make your users know who you are and your story. Tell about your idea and what are your strengths that make you outstanding from your opponents, go into more detail about your company, how your product will make your customer’s life better. You can easily edit this text box by go to tab content and click edit section.